Town: Grand Lake Stream, Maine

Smell: A cold fall morning. 

Music: Bluegrass

Dessert: Butterscotch pudding from my high school cafeteria. 

Podcast: Modern Wisdom

Weather: 4-6 inches of snow on a cold November morning. 

Souvenir: My grandfather’s Winchester.

Item of Clothing: Insulated pants (Maine thing)


ZACH in this moment

How would you describe this moment in your life right now? 


What phase of life are you in, & how do you think your age affects your thoughts, your feelings, your decisions? 

I’m in that space where, most days, I’m pulled in ten different directions, dawn till dusk, trying to take care of myself, the kids, my spouse and the responsibilities that come along with my chosen career along with our little homestead. I feel fortunate for the life we have built, but the business of it all leaves  little time to focus on the fact that time is going by quicker. Decisions are based on priorities which are not always the fun things that keep my heart full, but I try and sneak those in where and when I can, thus, why my book still isn’t out in the world. 

What’s the last thing you thought of before you went to bed last night? 

My wife. 

The first thing you thought of upon waking this morning? 

My wife.

What have you been working on / playing with / scheming this last week? 

How I can finish a small cottage so that my wife and I can start an agro-tourism/Guide business in Maine for recreational guiding, fishing and hunting while at the same time complete the illustrations for my little Repecca the Hen story and get that out of my head and into the world.

If you were to use only three words to describe your current creations, what would they be? 

Silly. Lighthearted. Punny.

What early experience or influence on you is still very much alive for you today in your way of living or in your work? 

My father and his work ethic. 

What is something you’re trying to let go of right now, & how is that going? 

Time. Getting older. Depends on the day, how stiff my joints are and how tired I am. 

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you? 

I spent a month sailing out in the Atlantic in my younger years, chasing pirate dreams and freedom, almost didn’t come home.