"You sure you don't want to come home for a bit?" Truman's wife, Megan, was on the other end of the phone. "If you have a whole team of people working to get it back up and running, you surely don't have to be there all night."
He had told a white lie to her when she had picked up. He had told her that the rover had stopped responding, and since it took a little under eleven minutes for the signal to travel back and forth, testing and retesting systems was taking quite a bit of time. He had enough to deal with with Tommy and the rest of Control, he didn't want to have to explain to his wife what they were seeing, especially since, in his mind, they still didn't know.
"It's fine, hon," he responded on the phone. "I'd just as soon be here when we figure it all out. If nothing else, it'll feel good to say, 'I told you so,'" he said with a chuckle. If only she knew how true that part of the white lie was.
"Well, just call when you're on your way home, so I don't worry," she said. I'll tell Sammy you may not make it to the party. And don't worry about it. It's been all about her friends for the past year anyway, she'll still have fun."
"Thanks, hon. I know it's not often, but duty calls," he said. He was sad to miss his daughter's party. Fortunately, they had celebrated on her actual birthday two nights ago, and had planned the party for tonight. That was some sort of comfort.
"Love you," Megan said, then added the sound of a kiss.
"Love you, too," Truman said back in the phone, then he took it from his ear and pressed END.
He stood looking at his phone for a few seconds, trying to connect things into his brain. he was glad that he had tied up what could've been a loose end with his wife. I guess the marriage coaching is working he thought.
He was so busy staring at his phone that he didn't hear the faint knock on his open door. Then a little louder before he finally heard someone clear their throat and say, "Truman?"
Truman blinked his eyes and snapped himself out of his moment of personal self reflection, then turned his head towards the door. The person standing there was so many worlds away from the phone call with his wife, that his brain was taking far too long to register in his brain. The silence lingered until the figure finally spoke.
"Truman, it's been a while," the commanding voice said matter-of-factly.
Truman's voice spoke before his brain was done thinking. "General, sir, what are you doing here?" Truman asked as he finally blinked recognition.
"We've been watching the feed and -"
Truman's brain suddenly slammed back into gear. Of COURSE they had been watching the feed. Of the very few positive things that Truman was surprised by in the last administration was the formation of the Space Force. Even if it was for the military, he liked the idea of any money and attention going to orbit and beyond. He had sat in more than one large and unnecessary meeting with General Stapleton, the highest ranking official of the Space Force. They had a professional and cordial relationship, but to see the General in his own office was not only surprising, but entirely unprecedented.
"You've been watching the feed?" Truman asked incredulously.
General Stapleton took what could be construed as an accusation with a bit of a smile. "I don't think it's any great secret that we're monitoring any and all signals that are coming or going off planet."
He had a point. "Of course not," Truman replied.
"I was hoping you could provide some clarity," the General continued. "Our guys have been..."
"Stumped?" Truman was risking having a little fun.
"I wouldn't say stumped," the General responded with a good natured laugh, "As much as a good old fashioned alien conspiracy."
Truman shot a look to Tommy standing in the doorway, "Seems that's going around. Must be contagious."
"Let's just be honest," said the General.
"Yes let's," said Truman.
"What have you got?" asked the General. There was a mix of request and order in his voice. Something that reminded Truman that he was speaking to a high ranking military man.
Truman looked up and Tommy, who's eyes were bright with expectation. He then looked at the floor and let out an exhale.
"We don't know," he finally said. "I know what it looks like," he looked at Tommy and then glanced out to the control room. "We all know what it looks like," he continued, "But we're doing our damnedest to find ways to prove that it's not what it looks like."
"You checked the feed?"
"Of course... then again, we didn't know you were listening in, so I could pass that same question back to you."
One of the General's eyes went up, he saw no reason not to share information. "Yes, we've checked it as well. As of now, there doesn't seem to be any foul play. We saw that you're moving straight towards the greenery."
"Towards the green, yes. I'd rather not call it greenery with all that that implies." Truman stopped short for a second. "Wait, do you have other eyes up there?"
"Do you have other 'Eyes in the Sky' or 'Eyes in Orbit' that we can utilize?"
General Stapleton looked surprised and almost like he'd been caught.
"Jesus!" Truman called out loud, "Why am I bothering James Webb if you can get me eyes?! What are we waiting for?"
Stapleton looked Truman up and down. I guess we're in this together he thought to himself. "We didn't wait," he finally said.
"What do you mean you didn't wait?" Truman asked. He honestly couldn't fathom what Stapleton meant.
"It's easier if I just show you," Stapleton replied. He then turned to a soldier behind him. "Go ahead and transfer the feed," he said to the soldier, "Access Code 573DHU."
"We don't need a transfer code to transfer our feed to you," Truman said in confusion.
The same smirk from before creeped over General Stapleton's face. "You've got it backwards," he said, "We're going to transfer ours to you.”