What phase of life are you in, & how do you think your age affects your thoughts, your feelings, your decisions? 

The phase of my life right now and my age (48) has me taking action and fulfilling lifelong dreams at a rapid pace. My dear, sweet husband is committed to me checking off as many things off my bucket list as possible. Last year I went skydiving and took the family to Italy for winter break. This year I swam with whale sharks, went on a mother/daughter trip to Switzerland with my mom, and started glass blowing. These are all things I have wanted to do for a long time. My husband always says, “You will only regret the things you don’t do,” so I am always encouraged to do things!

What have you been working on / playing with / scheming this last week?  

I am in the process of recovering from a heart procedure, so there’s no glass blowing for me for a few weeks. We have two BLOW A GLASS events coming up this Friday and next Saturday, so I am really excited and communicating with the participants because I know they are going to have SO MUCH FUN!!

If you were to use only three words to describe your current creations, what would they be?

Love, Wonder and Magic

What early experience or influence on you is still very much alive for you today in your way of living or in your work? 

I have always been cautious and responsible and I see this when I am glass blowing. I have lots of questions and want to do everything right, so sometimes I get stuck in my head when I should just trust that my body knows what to do.

What is something you’re trying to let go of right now, & how is that going? 

I was very frustrated in my last two glass lessons because I just felt like I wasn’t doing well. I want to let go of expectations of how far along I think I should be.  I am not sure how it’s going since it will be a few more weeks before I can blow glass again.

What is something people would be surprised to learn about you? 

….either that I am an ordained clergy person who can legally marry people (I have married eight couples) or that I didn’t learn how to ride a bike until I was 22 years old (the irony is my first job out of college was at a bicycle company).