ABBY in this moment

How would you describe this moment in your life right now? 

Very Peaceful. My morning routine consists of a cup of cold matcha or coffee, and sitting in my backyard reading a book.

What phase of life are you in, & how do you think your age affects your thoughts, your feelings, your decisions?

I am preparing to enter college. I have much anxiety about it, but I think taking things slow and not worrying too much about the future helps me the most.

The first thing you thought of upon waking this morning?

What to make for breakfast!

What have you been working on / playing with / scheming this last week?

I’ve actually been trying to cook more. My sister has always been the better baker/chef in the house, but I feel like im getting the hang of it!

If you were to use only three words to describe your current creations, what would they be? 

Textured, Dynamic, Messy

What early experience or influence on you is still very much alive for you today in your way of living or in your work?

I used to go to after school art classes in Connecticut, and one thing I remember is my teachers always embraced mistakes. There were many times when I wanted to throw away my work because I thought it was ugly, or it wasn't working out the way I planned. I found out that it’s okay to walk away from an unfinished painting or drawing, but you should always try to go back to it and make it work.

Who in your life has been a great support to you in championing your creative work, wellbeing, or growth?

I want to thank my parents for allowing me to pursue my passion. For all the art lessons they paid for, and programs that they let me be in I am so eternally grateful.


Hello! My name is Abby Song! Some of my favorite art media are: acrylic paint, gouache, and charcoal. I love to go thrifting and antique shopping, and I love discovering new coffee or matcha spots.


City: San Diego

Smell: My favorite perfume Daisy by Marc Jacobs

Music: anything from Beabadoobee’s newest album

Dessert: Tiramisu

Weather: Snow

Souvenir: A little keychain I got in Korea

Item of clothing: A vintage Ray Ban hat I thrifted

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IG @string.beannss